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Rogue geoengineering could 'hijack' world's climate

"Techniques aimed at averting global warming could lead to an unpredictable international crisis, a report has warned"

Category: Energy sources


Fracking laws needed 'to control UK's dash for gas', says MEP

"Senior European parliament member says Britain 'cannot be sure it knows what it is doing' if it allows controversial gas extraction to go ahead"


Gas strategy unveiled by George Osborne

"Chancellor announces controversial 'dash for gas' plans that include tax incentives for shale production"


Africa's largest solar power plant to be built in Ghana

"155MW plant being developed by a British company is expected to create hundreds of jobs, increase electricity capacity and cut emissions"

Category: Energy sources


Investment in offshore wind better for economy than gas, report shows

"Substantial deployment of offshore wind by 2030 would boost growth and create 70,000 more jobs than gas"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 41 to 45 out of 1050